Kisah Hijrah Nikita Mirzani, Dikenal sebagai Artis Sksi, Pernah Jadi Santri, Hingga Kini Berhijab

Pengertian Klaim Asuransi Klaim asuransi merupakan permintaan resmi yang dibuat oleh nasabah untuk perusahaan asuransi agar bisa mendapatkan pembayaran terkait kerugian yang diterima. Nantinya perusahaan asuransi akan memeriksa validitas klaim yang sampai pada mereka sebelum mengganti kerugian. Untuk mengajukan klaim, nasabah perlu mengetahui prosedur pengajuannya, metode yang digunakan perusahaan asuransi untuk mengganti kerugian serta istilah-istilah yang digunakan. Salah satu istilah yang sering digunakan adalahAi??deductible.Ai??DeductibleAi??merupakan besaran biaya yang harus dibayarkan oleh pemilik polis asuransi jika terjadi pengajuan klaim. Contohnya, suatu ketika mobil Anda yang sebelumnya telah diasuransikan mengalami kecelakaan dengan total kerugian yaitu Rp.6.000.000 dan deductible Anda sebesar Ro.500.000. Anda hanya perlu membayar biaya kerugian sebesar deductible yaitu Rp.500.000. Sedangkan sisanya Rp.5.500.000 dibayarkan oleh perusahaan asuransi tempat mobil itu diasuransikan. Klaim asuransi yang dibuat nasabah bisa berbeda-beda. Tergantung dari jenis asuransi yang diikuti. Adapun klaim-klaim tersebut adalah klaim asuransi kesehatan, klaim asuransi jiwa, klaim asuransi properti dan yang lainnya. 1. Klaim Asuransi Kesehatan Biaya rawat inap dan operasi rumah sakit bukanlah biaya yang murah. Dengan mengikuti asuransi kesehatan, nasabah dapat mendapat perlindungan dari beban-beban finansial ini. Klaim asuransi kesehatan dapat diurus oleh nasabah secara elektronik ataupun secara konvensional tergantung dari pihak kesehatan tempat pasien dirawat. Selanjutnya, pihak rumah sakitlah yang berperan aktif meneruskannya ke pihak perusahaan asuransi. Klaim asuransi kesehatan dapat melindungi dari beban-beban finansial yang memberatkan seperti jika terjadi kecelakan yang menyebabkan luka parah dan penyakit. 2. Klaim Asuransi Properti Rumah merupakan salah satu harta paling berharga yang dimiliki individu. Klaim asuransi properti dapat melindungi salah satu harta berharga individu ini dari kerusakan dan kehancuran. Pengajuan klaim dapat dilakukan lewat telepon genggam maupun internet. Klaim diajukan kepada perwakilan dari perusahaan asuransi, biasanya adalah agen atau penguji klaim (adjuster claim). Tidak seperti klaim asuransi kesehatan, tanggung jawab pengajuan klaim sepenuhnya ada pada nasabah pemegang polis asuransi. Penguji klaim kemudian memeriksa validitas klaimnya berdasarkan jenis klaim yang diajukan, untuk kemudian ditaksir biaya ganti ruginya.

With the advent of technology, telecommunications just can't be left behind. Businesses of every size and form keep on learning more modern ways to work. Recently, a method of communicating with clients in the form of conference calling is known to be one of the most cost-effective since it cuts down on travel expenses. Vendors of conference call utilize state-of-the-art telecommunications devices to provide improved digital sound while bridging multiple phone lines. Some businesses attempted to tape their conference calls to allow them to listen to the tape upon the completion of the conference call. But it has been discovered that transcribing the discussion accurately can be problematic. A solution for this headache-causing dilemma is very much needed. This is where conference call transcript services come in handy. A conference call transcript is a splendid way of following up a conference call to ensure that all of the participants or even those who were not able to attend it have a clear grip of its results. Typically, a conference call transcript is made from a digital record of the meeting. Here are three tips on how to come up with the best conference call transcript or help your conference call transcription service provider. 1. The speakers must be prompted and identified. Every time a speaker gets to have the floor, he must identify himself clearly. This will rid the conference call transcript service provider of the guesswork of who is who talking about which and what. A participant list will also aid the transcriptionists in creating the conference call transcript. 2. Avoid using any gizmo that will interfere with the call's quality. Anything that might break in the conversation, i.e., speakerphones and cell phones must be turned off. They might pick up noise from the background that may drown out the comments of the speakers. That will surely cause major fuss in preparing the conference call transcript. 3. Use your most audible voice. Speaking clearly and slowly will not only benefit the listeners but also the transcriber of the conference call. Conference call transcripts are verbatim copies of your meetings. Oftentimes, these assemblies are for the discussion of your company's earning results. It would be wise to exert your greatest effort in making it them easy for the transcriptionist to decipher. Surely, you don't want erroneous data on your conference call transcripts. If your company can't do the dirty job of transcribing your own conference calls, hiring conference call transcription service will do you best. It is a must to know that your conference call transcript provider is capable of creating quick and professional transcriptions that are utterly accurate. This service usually has a two-day or 48-hour turnaround time. But if you're in a rush, don't fret since 24-hour turnaround can be negotiated with some transcription companies. It will definitely be rewarding if you state all your requirements clearly before you make the transcriptionist start his job. If you're aiming for confidential transcription, this could also be arranged. Outsourcing companies that produce conference call transcripts vary in rates. Consulting your budget should also be given major consideration to ensure that you get the best deal for your conference call transcription needs. For more information on conference calls, using your phones, or video conferencing, visit [] now. Article Source:
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